Berk Cetinsaya, Ph.D.

berkcetinsaya [_at_]

Highly motivated 3D/VR/AR Software Engineer with expertise in interactive virtual simulations. Proven ability to leverage computer graphics, optimization techniques, and knowledge of autonomous systems to deliver innovative solutions. Skilled in digital twins, data visualization, and immersive technologies such as CAVE and stereoscopic display. Eager to contribute to the development of cutting-edge software that pushes the boundaries of the field.


University of Central Florida (UCF)

Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science
January 2020 - December 2024

University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR)

Master of Science
Computer Science

*Was a PhD student; then transfered to the UCF

August 2016 - December 2019

Bahcesehir University (BAU)

Bachelor of Science
Computer Engineering
September 2012 - June 2016



Unity Developer

• Developing advanced medical solutions using AR/VR technologies.

December 2024 - Present

UCF Department of Computer Science

Graduate Research Assistant

• Worked as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab (VARLab) at UCF.
• Designed and implemented a drone control system that autonomously updates a digital twin environment in Unity.
• Implemented the DBSCAN algorithm in C# to cluster potential outdated areas for further optimization.
• Designed and developed the Empty Space Skipping (ESS) optimization to visualize large volumetric medical image data for augmented reality on resource-constrained platforms such as Microsoft HoloLens 2.
• Developed and maintained various projects for CAVE (Cave automatic virtual environment) and stereoscopic displays.

January 2020 - December 2024

UALR Department of Computer Science

Lecturer & Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant

• Worked as a Graduate Assistant at the Emerging Analytics Center (EAC) at UALR.
• Taught the Computer Systems and Assembly Language course for two semesters.
• Worked as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Virtual Reality, Simulation, Imaging, and Modeling (ViRaSIM) Lab.
• Led the initial design and implementation of an Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) surgery simulation in Unity.
• Created an interface in C to access the Phantom haptic device for real-time haptic feedback in Unity.
• Built various embedded system projects, such as an Object Detection and Obstacle Avoidance RC Car using Python, Flask, TensorFlow, and a remote-controlling system for an Arduino over the cloud.

August 2016 - December 2019

BAU Department of Computer Engineering

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Assisted the instructor in lab sessions for various courses and helped students with lab exercises and assignments for:
• Introduction to C Programming
• Advanced Programming (JAVA)
• Introduction to C++ Programming
• Digital System Design
• Object-Oriented C++ Programming
• Embedded Systems Programming
• Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
• Introduction to Computer Networks

September 2015 - June 2016

Intel Future Labs at BAU

Lead Lab Member

Worked on IoT and wearable technologies using Intel development boards, including Environmental Monitoring and Cloud Analytics, IoT Door and Light Control System using WebIOPi, and Gyronome, a motion-based controller using C++.

February 2015 - June 2016


Embedded Systems Developer

Was responsible for embedded systems at Sparkgo, a technology startup, utilizing Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Python, and C++.

September 2014 - September 2015

SFS Consulting Computing Industry and Foreign Trade Co.

Junior Test Consultant Intern

Designed test scenarios for insurance systems during my internship using their framework as a Junior Test Consultant.

June 2014 - January 2016


Programming Languages

C, C++, C#, Python, Java, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, Verilog, MIPS, Bash.

Game Engines & Graphics

Unity, Godot, OpenVR, OpenXR, WebGL, OpenGL, GLSL, HLSL, Compute Shaders, Raylib, RenderDoc.

Tools & Technologies

MATLAB, 3DS MAX, Blender, ZBrush, Tensorflow, Arduino, Raspberry Pi.


Computer Graphics, Optimization, Autonomous Control, Virtual and Augmented Reality, CAVE, Digital Twins, Data Visualization.

Publications & Conferences

  • CODIT 2024
  • I/ITSEC 2023
  • ASEMFL 2023
  • IX Specialized Inter-American Naval Conference for Science Technology and Innovation (SIANC ST&I 2022)
  • IEEEVR 2022
  • I/ITSEC 2022
  • I/ITSEC 2021
  • MODEX 2020
  • The 16th annual conference of the Midsouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS 2019)
  • Arkansas INBRE 2018
  • Emerging Technology Session of the 16th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, jointly hosted by SAGES & CAGS (2018)
  • World Congress of Gastroenterology (WCOG) at American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) 2017
  • Arkansas INBRE 2017
  • 101st Arkansas Academy Of Science (2017)

Publications & Presentations

  • B. Cetinsaya, C. Neumann, G. Bruder, D. Reiners, and C. Cruz-Neira. 2025. "Assessing the Effects of Drone Control Interfaces on Situational Awareness and Digital Twin Environment Updates." 4th IEEE VR 2025 Workshop on 3D Reconstruction, Digital Twinning, and Simulation for Virtual Experiences. (Accepted)(Conference Paper)
  • B. Cetinsaya, C. Neumann, G. Bruder, D. Reiners, and C. Cruz-Neira. 2024. "Camera-Based Adaptive Line Formation and Dynamic Leader-Following Optimization (CALF-DLFO) for Drone Swarms in Real-Time Updated Digital Twins." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT24). (Conference Paper)
  • B. Cetinsaya, D. Reiners, and C. Cruz-Neira, "From PID to swarms: A decade of advancements in drone control and path planning - A systematic review (2013-2023)," Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. 89, p. 101626, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.swevo.2024.101626. (Journal Paper) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, C. Neumann, D. Reiners and C. Cruz-Neira, "Real-time Updated Digital Twins for Drone Swarm Command and Control", Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2023, Orlando, Florida, 2023. (Conference Paper) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, C. Neumann, D. Reiners and C. Cruz-Neira, "Adaptive Line Formation and Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization in Real-time Updated Digital Twins", The Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine of Florida (ASEMFL) 2023 Annual Meeting. (Poster Presentation)
  • B. Cetinsaya, C. Neumann and D. Reiners, "Using Direct Volume Rendering for Augmented Reality in Resource-constrained Platforms," 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2022, pp. 768-769, doi: 10.1109/VRW55335.2022.00235. (Poster presentation) (Abstract)
  • G. Sankaranarayanan, B. Cetinsaya, T. Halic, R. Shabbir, A. Crawford, K. Wells, S. De, J. W. Fleshman, 2020, "Development of Structured Objective Metrics for Automated Assessment of Double Layered End-to-end Small Bowel Anastomosis", Diseases of The Colon & Rectum. Volume:63, Issue:6, E377-E377 (Conference paper) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, J. Dials, D. Demirel, T. Halic, S. De, M. Gromski, and D. Rex. 2020. "Comparison Study of Deep Learning Models for Colorectal Lesions Classification", Proceedings of the 2020 the 4th International Conference on Information System and Data Mining (ICISDM 2020). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 84-88. (Conference Paper) (Abstract)
  • D. Demirel, B. Cetinsaya, T. Halic, S. Kockara, D. Reiners, S. Ahmadi, S. Arikatla, 2020, "A partition-based optimization model and its performance benchmark for Generative Anatomy Modeling Language", Computers in Biology and Medicine. (Journal paper) (Abstract)
  • S. Hegde, M. Gromski, T. Halic, B. Cetinsaya, M. Turkseven, Z. Xia, M. Sawhney, D. Jones, S. De, C. Jackson, (2020). "Endoscopic submucosal dissection: a cognitive task analysis framework toward training design". Surgical endoscopy 34, 728-741. (Journal paper) (Abstract)
  • D. Demirel, B. Cetinsaya, T. Halic, S. Kockara, D. Reiners, S. Ahmadi, 2019, "An iterative Approach for Partition-based Optimization Model for Generative Anatomy Modeling Language", MCBIOS. (Poster Presentation)
  • D. Demirel, B. Cetinsaya, T. Halic, S. Kockara, S. Ahmadi, 2019, "Partition-based Optimization Model for Generative Anatomy Modeling Language (POM-GAML)". BMC bioinformatics, 20(2), p. 105. (Conference Paper) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, S. N. Stavropoulos, D. Jones, ``A Task and Performance Analysis of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Surgery,''. Surg Endosc (2019) 33: 592. (Journal paper) (Abstract)
  • S. Cooper-Baer, M. Tunc, J. Farmer, K. Macit, T. Halic, D. Demirel, B. Cetinsaya, "Virtual Fundamentals of Arthroscopic Surgery Training (VFAST)" Arkansas INBRE, 2018. (Poster presentation) (Abstract)
  • D. Demirel, B. Cetinsaya, J. Farmer, S. Kockara, S. Ahmadi, T. Halic, "Partition-based Optimization model for Generative Anatomy Modeling Language" Arkansas INBRE, 2018. (Poster presentation) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, S. N. Stavropoulos, D. Jones, "Design and Development of a Preliminary Virtual Endoluminal Surgical Simulator (VESS) for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Surgery" Arkansas INBRE, 2018. (Poster presentation) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, M. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, D. Jones, "S074 A Task and Performance Analysis of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Surgery", Surg Endosc (2018) 32(Suppl 1): 1. (Conference Paper) (Abstract)
  • Z. Xia, T. Halic, S. Lee, B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, D. Demirel, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, D. Jones, S. De, "P318 The Development of a Virtual Simulator for Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD)", Surg Endosc (2018) 32(Suppl 1): 130. (Conference Paper) (Abstract)
  • C. Jackson, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, D. Jones, B. Cetinsaya, M. A Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, S. De, "P306 A Cognitive Task Analysis Approach Toward the Design of a Virtual Reality Simulator for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection", Surg Endosc (2018) 32(Suppl 1): 130. (Conference Paper) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, S. Hegde, J. Cohen, M. Sawhney, S. N. Stavropoulos, D. Jones, "Design of Virtual Endolumenal Surgery Simulator (VESS): Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) Training Module", Arkansas INBRE, 2017. (Poster Presentation) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, D. Demirel, T. Halic, et al. "Design of Virtual Endoluminal Surgery Simulator (VESS): Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Training Module", Program No. P1343. World Congress of Gastroenterology at ACG2017 Meeting Abstracts. Orlando, FL: American College of Gastroenterology. (Poster Presentation)
  • B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, M. Turkseven, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, J. Cohen, 2017., "Design of Virtual Endoluminal Surgery Simulator (VESS): Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Training Module: 809.", American Journal of Gastroenterology, 112, pp. S452-S453 (Conference Paper) (Abstract)
  • B. Cetinsaya, M. A. Gromski, S. Lee, Z. Xia, M. Turkseven, D. Demirel, T. Halic, C. Bayrak, C. Jackson, S. De, J. Cohen, 2017., "Design of Virtual Endoluminal Surgery Simulator (VESS)", Arkansas Academy of Science 101st Annual Meeting. (Poster Presentation)